The Cliffs Valley Community Association (CVCA) Board for 2025 has been set with Officers and committee responsibilities outlined below.
2025 CVCA Board and Committee Liaison responsibility
President: Lori Cobb, Community Relations
Vice President: Mitch Jolley, Safety & Security
Treasurer: Carla Iwanowski, Finance
Secretary: Rich Payne, Architectural Review
Member : Jeff Brubaker, Landscape
Member : Tom Potts, Infrastructure
Member : Laura Pritchard, Communications
In addition, Pam Barbour has assumed the Chair person role for the Landscape committee and Chris Fraser will be Co-Chair of the Infrastructure committee with Bob Pinson.
Gate Visitor Management System
Our Cliffs Valley Community Association is implementing the Proptia Visitor Management System (VMS). This VMS will enable Valley property owners and residents the ability to directly manage gate access for their family members, guests and service providers (collectively called “Visitors”), by issuing them a scannable QR code (ePass) via email or text message. Once the system is fully operational, these ePasses will allow visitors gate access at each of our (5) entrance gates. The system is scheduled to be installed in stages, starting with the Main, Foxboro and Queensmoor Gates, followed by the North gate and then Terry Creek Gate. The system should be fully operational by the end of the 1st quarter of 2025.
Our Safety and Security Committee will be reaching out to the residents in various sections of the Valley to offer in person training sessions as we roll out our VMS in stages. The training will cover the Proptia VMS and the new proposed CVCA Security Rules & Regulation that coordinate with the VMS. During the Implementation we would ask all Valley residents to remain flexible during the transition period and provide constructive feedback so that we may improve and adjust appropriately.
Please direct any questions to our Safety and Security Committee using the Committee Feedback Form on our Valley Connections website Home Page.